Did you know that most attics aren’t properly insulated? Good thing Bone Dry Roofing Dayton has decades of experience in recommending and installing the proper type and level of insulation to keep your family comfortable. Whether you have existing insulation and need an improvement, or are wanting to improve your home’s energy efficiency by installing new insulation, we can help.


In the midst of improving your roof, we’ll text or email you photos of insulation issues so you can address the situation while we have the capability to most easily install the attic insulation. We find most of our customers warm right up to that.

Insulate your home and your budget at the same time

When you insulate your attic, you also insulate your wallet from unnecessary expenses.
  • Help cut heating and cooling energy bills by up to 20%.

    Help cut heating and cooling energy bills by up to 20%.

  • Extends Life of Roof

    Ventilation and insulation work in tandem with the roof to prevent attic moisture on decking, ice dams, and premature failure of the life of your roof.

  • Moisture Resistant

    The products we recommend will not absorb moisture because the glass fibers resist dampness that reduce effectiveness.

  • Resists Mold & Fungus

    Inorganic glass fibers resist fungus or mold growth.

Keep cool or warm with the right attic insulation!

There is a difference when you insulate your attic correctly.  As much as 40% of your home’s air escapes through the attic.  A Bone Dry specialist can evaluate your current insulation level to confirm or suggest if your home could benefit from additional insulation blown into your attic.

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